
On December 3rd 20 leading economic media published on the same day 50 innovative business solutions to climate change.

Lëtzebuerger Journal

Lëtzebuerger Journal
Claude Karger
Editor in chief

In its 67 year old history, “Lëtzebuerger Journal” has always closely followed the development of society, the economy and emerging new trends. We have met and interviewed many fascinating founders and entrepreneurs who came up with real solutions for improving not only the economy but also living conditions and societal ties and shared these solutions with our readers. The Spark News Solutions & Co initiative meets our own approach, so it is obvious for us to participate.

Join us !
Are you an economic publication interested in joining the Solutions&Co partnership in order to benefit from this unique international editorial experience, dedicated to climate change? Participation is free and you will retain full editorial independence. Fill out this form and we will get back to you shortly!

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